Dean Fogarty

Dean Fogarty

/ home / technical / svelte / breadcrumbs

A quick and dirty way to add breadcrumbs to your SvelteKit application.

What are breadcrumbs?

Breadcrumbs provide a visual indicator to a user where they are located in the hierarchy of pages of a website. They also provide a quick way to navigate the path back to the root of the hierarchy by adding links:

Home > Technical > Svelte > Breadcrumbs

Our goal?

We want to build a simple breadcrumb component. We do not want to manually include the component on each page, nor manage it’s contents. The component must update every time the user moves to a different page.


SvelteKit uses a filesystem-based router. Files named __layout.svelte determine the layout for the current page and pages below itself in the file hierarchy. We can use use SvelteKit’s store page to determine what the current path is, and pass that location to a breadcrumb component which we add to the layout.

The breadcrumb component

Our breadcrumb component is a normal Svelte component, accepting the current path as a prop, and displays some variation of it as a breadcrumb (say $lib/components/breadcrumb.svelte):

    export let path;

    $: {
        // Remove zero-length tokens.
        const tokens = path.split('/').filter((t) => t !== '');

        // Create { label, href } pairs for each token.
        let tokenPath = '';
        crumbs = => {
            tokenPath += '/' + t;
            return {
                label: t,
                href: tokenPath,

        // Add a way to get home too.
        crumbs.unshift({ label: 'home', href: '/' });

{#each crumbs as c, i}
    {#if i == crumbs.length-1}
        <a href={c.href}>{c.label}</a> &gt;&nbsp;


In src/routes/__layout.svelte, we pull out the page from $app/stores, and pass the path store to the breadcrumb component as a prop:

    import Breadcrumb from '$lib/components/Breadcrumb.svelte';
    import { page } from '$app/stores';

<Breadcrumb path={$page.path} />

An implementation can be seen on this website, at the top of the page.


We created a breadcrumb component that is simple, requires no manual intervention for either it’s inclusion or management, and is fully reactive. New pages can be added to the application with no regard to the breadcrumb, and it will act accordingly.


  • Our example solution above only shows elements from the path. Real applications may want to change these to use language more contextually correct. One way would be to map each path token to a dictionary; this would require maintaining the dictionary every time a new page is added.

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